sysbot | Terms of Use

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Welcome to Sysbot

Together with you, we would like to create a special bond in a business relationship. To accomplish this, we set out below the terms and conditions ("Terms") that you, a buyer, user, and sybot ("we,"our," or "us") must follow and are a legally binding agreement between you and us.

In particular, we want to point out that by accepting these Terms, you and we are agreeing to arbitrate and dispute between us, and you are giving up your right to go to court either individually or as part of a class action.

We also want to make sure that you know that by accepting these Terms and for purposes of facilitating the Service, you are legally bound to abiding by our Terms of Use listed below.

1. Acceptance of Terms
A. Legal Agreement. By using our product "sysbot", you signify your agreement to these Terms and the following, all of which are included within the definition of Terms:(a) sysbot, (b) sysbot Name & Logo, (c) sysbot Programs & Intellectual Property. If you do not agree to all of these policies, rules, and Terms, you may not use the Service provided by sysbot. In order to agree to these Terms, you need to be currently using our service (That is our bot, integrations, or system) and have the power to enter a binding contract with us and not be barred from doing so under any applicable laws.
B.Changes to Terms. We reserve the right to update or modify the Terms at any time without prior notice, and such changes will be effective immediately upon being posted through the Service; however, material changes to these Terms will be effective upon the earlier of (i) your first use of the Service with actual notice of such change, or (ii) 30 days from the posting of such change. Your use of the Service following any such change constitutes your agreement to be bound by the modified Terms. These Terms will identify the date of the last update.
C.Additional Policies. Your use of the Service is subject to all additional terms, policies, rules, or guidelines applicable to the Service of certain features of the Service that we may post on or link to the Service, and all such additional documents are apart and reference to these Terms.
2.The Service
A.Use. We list all things you may do with our Service and intellectual property. Listed again here:(i) Bot Services for your ROBLOX group, (ii) Discord Services with our Integrations to the platform. These permitted uses of our Service are the only ways our Service may be used publicly. If used in other ways, we have every right to take legal action.
B.Create/Modify/Resell. We ask that users do not jailbreak our service and take it for their own use. We respect your privacy and wish you respect ours. Users who do decide to create, modify, or resell our Services will have stolen intellectual property which is illegal in many cases.
4.Exploiting the Service. Exploiting our service is completely against our Terms and will not be accepted. If a user is to do this, we have every right to end our agreement and revoke access to our systems & bots.

We ask that all users respect our Terms of Use as it keeps everything running smoothly.
sysbot team

Last Updated: July 23, 2021

( Made with Carrd )